What is navDesign?
The plugin navDesign is available for the open source visualization software ParaView® and open source 3D creation suite Blender.
Through the connection to ParaView®, the powerful post-processing functionality of this established software is fully available to work with parametric models trained with NAVPACK, without the need for further investment in an additional visualization software.
What can navDesign for ParaView® do?
navDesign for ParaView® enables you to:
- Select new conditions within the parameter space and visualize the solution for this condition within seconds of the prognosis.
- Estimate scalar values such as resistance, lift or mass flow for the selected parameter combination and display them with the expected error range.
- Calculate and display gradients and sensitivities for the solution with respect to the individual parameters.
- Carry out a global optimization, with auxiliary conditions, of the scalar values and display the resulting geometry and field solution.
- Generate a multitude of variants which display similar functional characteristics (e.g. similar resistance), but which differ in terms of the parameter combinations. This enables design alternatives to be generated automatically and evaluated by the user.
- Export the current interface geometry in order to use it for further work.