What is navDesign?
The plugin navDesign is available for the open source visualization software ParaView® and open source 3D creation suite Blender.
Through the connection to Blender®, the powerful geometry modification and rendering functionality of ths free and open source software package is available at your fingertips to work with models trained with NAVPACK.
What can navDesign for Blender® do?
navDesign for Blender® enables you to:
- Modify the geometry using the full functionality of Blender® and visualize the physical results for the new shape within seconds, including volume and surface fields.
– Predict scalar values, such as aerodynamic coefficients, for the current geometry. - Compute node-wise sensitivities with respect to scalar values for the geometry within seconds to inform your decision-making.
- Receive immediate feedback on the trustworthiness of the prediction.
- Export the current interface geometry in order to use it for further work.
…and of course use all the cool features that Blender® brings with it!