
Experimental Aerodynamics

For the characterization of complex flows an experiment employing suitable measuring technology is more than an ideal supplement to numerical investigations. Where simulations reach their limits, for example in the prediction of transition and flow separation, experiments can generate valid result for phenomena such as noise generation, component vibration or performance loss.


    Use Our Expertise for Your Test:

    • Selection of suitable measuring technology and test facilities
    • Test preparation and instrumentation
    • Conduction of the test
    • Analysis, processing and interpretation of the measurement data

    Available Tech

    Messtechnik Inhouse Extern
    Massflow checked unchecked
    Pressure checked unchecked
    Temperature checked unchecked
    Velocity checked unchecked
    Visualization checked unchecked
    3D-Print checked unchecked
    Pressure Supply checked unchecked
    PIV unchecked checked

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